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Welcome to a discussion on the subject of mounting the MP 38. u. 40 sling !

Two Schmeissers lying in grass MP40
As can be seen from the photo above there was more than one way to mount the sling! The upper MP has the button to the rear, while the MP lying in the grass has the button attached to the front.  But what was correct and what was wrong? I have found no description on how to mount the sling, but a safe bet would be to mount it like the Mauser K98k sling was mounted, with the button to the rear. Photographic evidence from the era actually show about 30% of the slings beeing mounted back to front!

Let us stick to the method we think is "correct", front to back!

MP40 with sling taken off
First of all, be sure that you have all the correct ingredients!

MP40 with sling parts
Step 1

Mounting the MP40 sling, step 1
Step 2

Mounting the MP40 sling, step 2
Step 3

Mounting the MP40 sling, step 3
Step 4

Mounting the MP40 sling, step 4
And you are done!  

Mounting it back to front is a no-brainer if you managed to get through the 4 steps above successfully!

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